

湛江豫信致诚机械设备有限公司地处中站李封南会253号,是一家专业从事 水渠机销售、运输为一体的综合性现代化企业,提供 水渠机价格行情,公司主营产品 水渠机。欢迎新老客户咨询铝板价格,24小时免费咨询。


The hose pump belongs to the category of peristaltic pump. It is mainly composed of a special rubber hose corresponding to a pair of pressure rollers on the rotor assembly in the pump body. When the pressure roller rotates along the rubber hose, the pressure roller and the pump housing The squeezing force flattens the rubber hose. Under the elasticity of the hose itself and the force of the side guide rollers, the fluid material is sucked in by the vacuum generated by the original state. The material is discharged from the tube under the mechanical pressure of the pressure roller, and so on. , So as to achieve the purpose of continuous output of materials.


产品应用及主要特点:该泵具有四种流量和四种压力,流量和压力变化范围大,可适用不同孔径的钻进和回拖同时也可用作回转钻进等岩心钻探、化工、矿井排污以及软基注浆等施工。<br />
主要特点<br />
1、结构紧凑,质量轻、体积小,外形美观,可采用液压马达、电机、柴油机驱动;<br />
2、在设计上多采用新的理念,应用新结构、新材料、新工艺;<br />
3、提高标准化、系列化、通用化的水平泵体、曲轴、连杆、十字头、泵头以及部分相关另部件尽量系列化和通用化,减少另部件的种类;<br />
4、易损件寿命长,可靠性高。<br />!
